Episode One: the Prologue
Welcome to Incredibly Wanted. I’m so glad you’ve found your way here. Before we get into the first episode, I want to introduce myself and give you a little context for how and why this podcast came to be.
So first…. My name is Gretchen Hill – I’m 44, and I’m single, and I live in Massachusetts with the two great loves of my life… my dogs Bodhi and Stanley. I’m a life lover, adventurer, flower grower, creative entrepreneur…
But beyond the things I do, I’m a storyteller at heart.
For the last few years, I’ve been living the most incredible story with some of the biggest plot twists of my life – the story of deciding that I wanted to become a mother and setting out on the journey to start a family on my own.
I’ve always known I wanted to tell this story eventually, but I thought I couldn’t begin until I knew how it ends. Will I ever really have a baby of my own? Who will be the biological father? What happens if I don’t get pregnant? And is it possible to find love with a man along this road?
Eventually, I realized that the story I need to tell isn’t really about how it ends at all. The ending will be the beginning of a brand new story. And maybe I’ll tell that one too. But this story, my story, is about what it feels like walking into the unknown. It’s about feeling the pull of life and choosing to follow it, without knowing where the road leads. And so the only way to tell this story is to tell it as it unfolds… I believe there is a soul out there who has been knocking on my heart’s door for a long time. It took me a while to answer it, but whoever that soul is – they are so Incredibly Wanted by me. This is my story of trying to find them and opening myself up to being found.
So here on this podcast, I’m documenting my motherhood journey while I’m still in the mystery of how this all comes to be.
I believe that sharing our stories is one of the most human, connecting things we can do. It’s how we can show up to the world and allow ourselves to be seen and known. But I also want to share this story is because, when I was starting out on this path, I found a few women who were willing to share their stories and their examples helped make this road look possible for me. I’m indebted to those women because I wouldn’t be here without them and if my story helps another woman navigate her own path, then that’s great too.
In the next few episodes, I’m chatting with my two dear friends Samantha Jo Harvey and Bonnie Goff who are smart, incredible, badass women I adore. Bonnie is a psychologist and a professor at the largest public university in the country and Sam is a mindset coach, former professional dancer, and just a completely magnetic person who helps woman go after what they want in every way. Simply put, they are my kind of people. And I’m so lucky they wanted to be part of this project.
In these episodes, I’m sharing my personal story navigating the world of donor conception, preparing for single motherhood and how I got here in the first place, but really we’re in a bigger conversation about womanhood and what that journey looks when you are committed to betting bigger and really go for it in every area of your life. That path can look like a million different things. But the point is, when we allow ourselves to move through fear and the noise and pressure from outside ourselves about what life shouldn’t or shouldn’t look like… then we can really choose. And having choice is the most powerful thing there is.
So that’s what we’re up to here at Incredibly Wanted. I hope you stick around and that you find something that helps you on your way too. I’ll see you in the first episode!